
You are lost.
The days churn my ankles,
milking me out,
from underneath
my table of disbelief.
I press into its legs,
fracturing them at their joints,
my plump tendons
between the days’ thumbs
my bones.
You are lost.
Foam gushing
through the ceiling.
The bedside fan choking, on
Snot and salt.
You are lost.
Hot rods flaring in my sternum,
charging up my clavicle.
But at the dentist they insist
I am only 36.3 degrees.
And they cleaned her teeth too, they say
And Oh, her laugh! they say
And Yeah, she laughed a lot, I say
And Oh yes, I can imagine! they say.
And my embers surge,
And the hygienist whispers to reception
“The thermostat?”
You are lost.
All my hair, pulled up
Up and up and up and up
Until my neck vertebrae click, and hatch
I am the turkey leg
that you steered away from you
Away from its crinkling, bubbly body
to show me it was done.
On Christmas Day.