landing us, here.

Welcome to pergola.
A pergola is that criss-cross roof thing filled with vines, that you sit under. I called this newsletter pergola, for the dappled, varied light that it creates.
The time we’re living through feels like a simultaneous over- and under-exposure. Our actions are subject to a level of scrutiny that, prior to the pandemic, we had yet to experience on such a pervasive scale.
And yet, this over-exposure is isolating - each of us individuated and shuttered in with our own personal anxiety narratives. The contrast feels like being locked in a box and then suddenly having the lid torn off, without warning.
And that’s why the light of a pergola seems so inviting right now. It creates no sharp contrasts. The light gets in, but you’re mostly protected.
What can you expect to read here? I’ll be writing about our emotional landscape. And our bodies. And time. And how it feels to be alive right now.
Despite doing lots of things every day, my body feels like it's been holding its poor little breath for way too long this year. So maybe this newsletter is a bit of an exhale.
I can’t promise to describe anything perfectly, but I will be honest, because - life is finite. We’re all dying!
Sign up if you want to think about feelings together.
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